Sunday, February 19, 2012

Drillthrough help in Report Builder


I've looked at all of the published materials related to this subject that I could find but cannot find a good answer.

I'm trying to find out if there is a way to directly influence what details are shown when a figure is clicked on in a report.

I know it shows related data but it does not seem to show it all, infact it seems to pick pretty arbitrary things.

I've tried messing around with the attribute properties (in particular the EnableDrillthrough one) but to no avail.

Is there anything I am missing?

Thanks in advance.

Report Builder drillthroughs are determined using a combination of attributes in the model. There are two types of drillthroughs - single instance for when only one "result row" is returned" and multiple instance for when multiple rows will be returned. In the case of single instance, we return all the attributes of the entity you are going to and all the DefaultAggregates for entities that are to many from the drill entity. Example: if you click on a product name you get all the fields of the Product entity and all the DefaultAggregates for entities that are to many from Product - perhaps sales and returns. For multiple instance, you get the DefaultDetailAttributes of the entity and the DefaultAggregates of entities that are to many from the drill entity. Example: if you have a report listing customers and the number of distinct products per customer, if you click on number of products you will get a list of products where we will show the DefaultDetailAttributes for each product and the DefaultAggregates for all entities that are to many from product (sales, for example). So, the attributes in the model to change are DefaultDetailAttributes and DefaultAggregates.

Hope this helps.

Carolyn [MSFT]

|||Thanks Carolyn that's exacly what I needed to know!

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