Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Drop The Create Table

I have a DTS package which drops then creates a table before inserting
data from a csv.
My problem is each time I drop the create the table, I must reset the
permissions to the table. How can I automate this?
My current create table code is:
CREATE TABLE [DataFlex].[dbo].[stylemaster] (
[style] varchar (12) NOT NULL,
[retail] numeric (11,2) NULL,
[nzretail] numeric (10,2) NULL,
[descr] varchar (40) NOT NULL,
[colour] int NOT NULL,
[colourway] int NULL,
[season] varchar (10) NULL,
[maingroup] varchar (10) NULL,
[subgroup] varchar (9) NULL,
[story] varchar (9) NULL,
[ac7] varchar (1) NULL,
[fabric] varchar (12) NULL,
[imagename] varchar (30) NULL,
[units] int NULL,
[dollarmargin] numeric (10,2) NULL,
[onsale] char (1) NULL,
[active] varchar (1) NULL,
[fabgroup] varchar (9) NULL
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Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!Either add an ExecSQL task to add the permissions or do the create AND the
GRANT both within the same ExecSQL task.
Thomas A. Moreau, BSc, PhD, MCSE, MCDBA
SQL Server MVP
Columnist, SQL Server Professional
Toronto, ON Canada
"Darren" <> wrote in message
I have a DTS package which drops then creates a table before inserting
data from a csv.
My problem is each time I drop the create the table, I must reset the
permissions to the table. How can I automate this?
My current create table code is:
CREATE TABLE [DataFlex].[dbo].[stylemaster] (
[style] varchar (12) NOT NULL,
[retail] numeric (11,2) NULL,
[nzretail] numeric (10,2) NULL,
[descr] varchar (40) NOT NULL,
[colour] int NOT NULL,
[colourway] int NULL,
[season] varchar (10) NULL,
[maingroup] varchar (10) NULL,
[subgroup] varchar (9) NULL,
[story] varchar (9) NULL,
[ac7] varchar (1) NULL,
[fabric] varchar (12) NULL,
[imagename] varchar (30) NULL,
[units] int NULL,
[dollarmargin] numeric (10,2) NULL,
[onsale] char (1) NULL,
[active] varchar (1) NULL,
[fabgroup] varchar (9) NULL
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Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!sql

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