Sunday, March 11, 2012

Drop Down Box with edit/input by user

We have a report which is based on Schemes which have pre-defined
start and end dates. I have set up report parameters which are queried
the user can select these pre-determined values.. (The user choose a
"Scheme" and both dates are set).
However, there are occasions when the users want to enter a date other
one of these values.( by the date control). This I cant get RS to do?
How can I best achieve this switch from selection of a value in a drop
list to typing in a value in a text box. If the parameter is queried, a
down list is displayed and the user cannot type in a value. There is no
option to use a "Combo" box and use the display value.
Any help appreciated.
Deepan (This question is takin from another question that was not
answered)I'm looking to do the same thing...
Deepan wrote:
> We have a report which is based on Schemes which have pre-defined
> start and end dates. I have set up report parameters which are queried
> and
> the user can select these pre-determined values.. (The user choose a
> "Scheme" and both dates are set).
> However, there are occasions when the users want to enter a date other
> than
> one of these values.( by the date control). This I cant get RS to do?
> How can I best achieve this switch from selection of a value in a drop
> down
> list to typing in a value in a text box. If the parameter is queried, a
> drop
> down list is displayed and the user cannot type in a value. There is no
> option to use a "Combo" box and use the display value.
> Any help appreciated.
> Deepan (This question is takin from another question that was not
> answered)

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