Sunday, February 19, 2012

Drillthrough Query

I have the following Drillthroug query. i require it to return only those documents that fall within a given date range for a particular customer and worktype.

But all the records for a customer and worktype are returned irrespective of the date

DRILLTHROUGH maxrows 10000

SELECT [Measures].[TAT] ON 0 ,

([Hierarchy].[CustomerName].[ABC], [Hierarchy].[Work Type Name].[EEG] ) on 1

FROM ( SELECT ([Date].[Short Date].[2004-03-15] : [Date].[Short Date].[2006-04-10]) ON COLUMNS FROM [DW]) Return[$Customer].[CustomerName] As [CustomerName],[$Measures].[TAT] AS [TAT],[$Document].[Document ID] AS [Document ID]

Hello Reena,

First of all bad news: AS 2005 doesn't allow DrillThrough to be performed on multiple cells, so unfortuantly you'd need to generate multiple drillthrough statements to retrive details for all those dates.

Secondary, why this query doesn't return an error, but doesn't take subselect into consideration. The issue is that drillthrough is performed on the current coordinate, but subselect doesn't affect the current coordinate and the current coordinate for the time dimension in this case is a default member of time - ALL. So, drillthrough is performed on the cell corresponding to the ALL and not to the range.

Hope this helps,


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