Friday, February 24, 2012

Drillthrough results

the descriptions of the Drillthrough vary somewhat, but this is the one I need interpretation on: "Drillthrough is the operation in which a user specifies a single cell and the Analysis server returns the most detail level data that contributed to that cell." This is from a page entitled 'enabling drillthrough in analysis services 2005.' I'm new to SSAS but have some history with other OLAP. I interpret the statement as meaning that the Drillthrough function will return the leaf-level data from the cube. Is this correct?

Basically what I want to do is get to the leaf node for all dimensions so that I can grab the keys and query the transactions files that support the value. This is the query i am running from Excel 2003:

Drillthrough maxrows 2500


{[Dim Acct].[Account].&[1090]} on 0,

{[Dim Period].[Time].[Yr].&[YR].&[Q1].&[1]} on 1,

{[Dim CC].[Cost Center].[all]} on 2,

{[Dim Function].[Function].[All]} on 3,

{[Dim Grant].[Grant].[All]} on 4,

{[Dim Dept].[Department].[All]} on 5,

{[Dim Fund].[Fund].[All]} on 6,

{[Dim Scen].[Dim Scen].&[2007]} on 7

From [Dm GL]


key([$Dim Fund].[fund]) as [Fund],

key([$Dim Dept].[Department]) as [Department],

key([$Dim Grant].[Grant]) as [Grant],

key([$Dim Function].[Function]) as [Func],

key([$Dim CC].[Cost Center]) as [CC],

key([$Dim Acct].[Account]) as [Account],

key([$Dim Scen].[Dim Scen]) as [Year],

key([$Dim Period].[Month]) as [Period],

[$Dim Fund].[Fund] as [Fund],

[$Dim Dept].[Department] as [Department],

[$Dim Grant].[Grant] as [Grant],

[$Dim Function].[Function] as [Func],

[$Dim CC].[Cost Center] as [CC],

[$Dim Acct].[Account] as [Account],

[$Dim Scen].[Dim Scen] as [Year],

[$Dim Period].[Month] as [Period],

[$measures].[amount] as [amount]

The query runs reat, but the key values returned are for parent levels - not leaf. All of my dimensions except scenario and time are built using parent-child data source files.

Any insight would be appreciated.


My theory was that the drillthrough does not return the correct member names or keys when the dimension is built using a parent-child data source. Two of my dimensions, period and scenario, are not parent-child, and the correct information is returned. To test the theory on a parent-child dimension, I used my accounts dimension and performed the drillthrough on a leaf member. The parent of this leaf member had > 1 child. The drillthrough returned the parent instead of the member information for both name and key for the account dimension but it returned the correct amount.

This is a rather important feature. Is my drillthrough statement incorrect? I'd hate to try to convert a ragged parent-child. Has anyone else had problems with this or know a workaround?

Thanks, Sully


As frequently happens, the problem was self-inflicted. In the process of debugging, I found the the query was in error. I'm just learning MDX and I just stumbled on the solution. Here is what works...

Drillthrough maxrows 3500

Select {[Dim Acct].[Account].&[BK6029]} on 0,

{[Dim Period].[Time].[Yr].&[YR].&[Q1]} on 1,

{[Dim CC].[Cost Center Index].[All]} on 2,

{[Dim Grant].[Grant].&[FPP]} on 3,

{[Dim Dept].[Department].&[3200]} on 4,

{[Dim Fund].[Fund].&[990]} on 5,

{[Dim Function].[Dim Function].[All]} on 6,

{[Dim Scen].[Dim Scen].&[2007]} on 7

From [testGL]


key([$Dim Fund].[dim Fund]) as [Fund],

key([$Dim Dept].[dim Dept]) as [Department],

key([$Dim Grant].[dim Grant]) as [Grant],

key([$Dim Function].[dim Function]) as [Func],

key([$Dim CC].[dim cc]) as [CC],

key([$Dim Acct].[dim Acct]) as [Account],

key([$Dim Scen].[Dim Scen]) as [Year],

key([$Dim Period].[month]) as [Period],

[$Dim Fund].[dim Fund] as [Fund],

[$Dim Dept].[dim dept] as [Department],

[$Dim Grant].[dim Grant] as [Grant],

[$Dim Function].[dim Function] as [Func],

[$Dim CC].[dim cc] as [CC],

[$Dim Acct].[dim Acct] as [Account],

[$Dim Scen].[Dim Scen] as [Year],

[$Dim Period].[month] as [Period],

[$measures].[amount] as [Amount]

I haven't determined why a parent-child dimension has to be referenced differently, but at least this works.


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