Monday, March 19, 2012

Drop publication to change table structure?

The title pretty much sums up the question: when I try to edit the table
structure, i.e., add a field or change type from int to uniqueidentifier,
the change is rejected with "cannot drop table" error.
are you using SQL 2005 Beta 2? If so you get this message if you do the
change in the GUI but not by code. If this is SQL 2000, then you'll need to
use sp_repladdcolumn and sp_repldropcolun to make schema changes. Alering a
column is not supported directly.
Paul Ibison, SQL Server MVP,
(recommended sql server 2000 replication book:
|||Thanks for the advice Paul. It is SQL2k.
"Paul Ibison" <Paul.Ibison@.Pygmalion.Com> wrote in message
> Earl,
> are you using SQL 2005 Beta 2? If so you get this message if you do the
> change in the GUI but not by code. If this is SQL 2000, then you'll need
> to
> use sp_repladdcolumn and sp_repldropcolun to make schema changes. Alering
> a
> column is not supported directly.
> rgds,
> Paul Ibison, SQL Server MVP,
> (recommended sql server 2000 replication book:

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