Monday, March 19, 2012

Drop Relationships

Hi there,

I would Like to delete a relationship by SQL Syntax!

When I go to M-Access I see the relationship with the name companiesVisitors
and this is how it is represented...

Companies(Company_ID) -- Visitors(VisitorCompany)


How can I drop the relationship using SQL?

Hope you can help me... I am searching a solution for daysyou might need to know the name of the constraint

see ACC2000: Create and Drop Tables and Relationships Using SQL DDL (

but if you're in the relationship window already, just click on the line joining the two boxes and delete it|||That didn't help to much... I need the SQL to remove a relationship...

I tried to delete the constraints, but that does not help me to much... because my Constraints have strange names such as "Rel_158FB2CC_919D_462B"... It's a totally random name given by Access|||then when you create the relationship, you should assign it a constraint name|||but I can't do anything now, because is a software update... it's to import data to new database formats... I can't guess wich names the constraint have... it should be done in the beggining!

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