Showing posts with label relationships. Show all posts
Showing posts with label relationships. Show all posts

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Dropping relationships

Is there an easy way to drop all of the relationships in a database in one
Archeryou can use the following query to create the needed 'alter table' script:
select 'alter table '+ctu.table_name+' drop constraint
"bagman3rd" <> wrote in message
> Is there an easy way to drop all of the relationships in a database in one
> swoop?
> Thanks.
> Archer|||Try,
declare @.sql nvarchar(4000)
declare @.ts sysname
declare sysname
declare sysname
declare fk_constraints_cursor cursor local fast_forward
raint_schema) + '.' +
quotename(constraint_name)), 'IsForeignKey') = 1
and objectproperty(object_id(quotename(table
_schema) + '.' +
quotename(table_name)), 'IsUserTable') = 1
and objectproperty(object_id(quotename(table
_schema) + '.' +
quotename(table_name)), 'IsMSShipped') = 0
open fk_constraints_cursor
while 1 = 1
fetch next from fk_constraints_cursor into @.ts,,
if @.@.error != 0 or @.@.fetch_status != 0 break
set @.sql = N'alter table ' + quotename(@.ts) + '.' + quotename( + N'
drop constraint '+ quotename(
print @.sql
exec sp_executesql @.sql
close fk_constraints_cursor
deallocate fk_constraints_cursor
"bagman3rd" wrote:

> Is there an easy way to drop all of the relationships in a database in one
> swoop?
> Thanks.
> Archer|||Here is my proc that I use. It gives you a lot of flexibility (use at your
own risk, obviously)
if object_id('utility$removeRelationships')
is not null
drop procedure utility$removeRelationships
create procedure utility$removeRelationships
@.table_schema sysname = 'dbo', --does not do a like comparison
@.parent_table_name sysname = '%', --it is the parrent when it is being
referred to
@.child_table_name sysname = '%', --it is the child table when it is the
table referring
--to another
@.constraint_name sysname = '%', --can be used to drop only a single
@.display_only_fl bit = 1 --displays the statements to execute, but does not
execute them
) as
-- ---
-- Drop all of the foreign key contraints on and or to a table
-- ---
-- Runs on table name in the current database
-- ---
-- 01/11/2005 lbdavi created
-- ---
set nocount on
declare @.statements cursor
set @.statements = cursor for
select 'alter table ' + ctu.table_schema + '.' + ctu.table_name +
' drop constraint ' + cc.constraint_name
from information_schema.referential_constraints as cc
join information_schema.constraint_table_usage as ctu
on cc.constraint_catalog = ctu.constraint_catalog
and cc.constraint_schema = ctu.constraint_schema
and cc.constraint_name = ctu.constraint_name
where ctu.table_schema = @.table_schema
and ctu.table_name like @.child_table_name
and cc.constraint_name like @.constraint_name
and exists (select *
from information_schema.constraint_table_usage ctu2
where cc.unique_constraint_catalog = ctu2.constraint_catalog
and cc.unique_constraint_schema = ctu2.constraint_schema
and cc.unique_constraint_name = ctu2.constraint_name
and ctu2.table_schema = @.table_schema
and ctu2.table_name like @.parent_table_name)
open @.statements
declare @.statement varchar(1000)
fetch from @.statements into @.statement
While @.@.fetch_status = 0
if @.display_only_fl = 1
select @.statement as statementPreview
exec (@.statement)
fetch next from @.statements into @.statement
Louis Davidson -
SQL Server MVP
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"bagman3rd" <> wrote in message
> Is there an easy way to drop all of the relationships in a database in one
> swoop?
> Thanks.
> Archer

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Dropping all Data but keeping constraints and Structure Intact!

Hi All -
I have a SQL 2000 database of 60 some tables, with constraints, indexes, PK-
FK, and other relationships on them. I would like to drop all data in all
tables, knowing that a lot of the tables have full PK-FK-PK-FK ...
relationships cascading, and indexes and such. I want to keep intact all
that is not data. So basically truncate or delete all data and leave all
table structures with all their constraints etc ..
I wonder if such a script exists? that would be a great help.
Thank You In Advance.
Wise -
Message posted via Apr 11, 7:20 pm, "wiseteufel via" <u4067@.uwe> wrote:
> Hi All -
> I have a SQL 2000 database of 60 some tables, with constraints, indexes, PK-
> FK, and other relationships on them. I would like to drop all data in all
> tables, knowing that a lot of the tables have full PK-FK-PK-FK ...
> relationships cascading, and indexes and such. I want to keep intact all
> that is not data. So basically truncate or delete all data and leave all
> table structures with all their constraints etc ..
> I wonder if such a script exists? that would be a great help.
> Thank You In Advance.
> Wise -
> --
> Message posted via SQLMonster.com
You can script out the entire database ( with PK,FK, INDEX ,
Constraint options) and create a new database from the script .

Dropping all Data but keeping constraints and Structure Intact!

Hi All -
I have a SQL 2000 database of 60 some tables, with constraints, indexes, PK-
FK, and other relationships on them. I would like to drop all data in all
tables, knowing that a lot of the tables have full PK-FK-PK-FK ...
relationships cascading, and indexes and such. I want to keep intact all
that is not data. So basically truncate or delete all data and leave all
table structures with all their constraints etc ..
I wonder if such a script exists? that would be a great help.
Thank You In Advance.
Wise -
Message posted via Apr 11, 7:20 pm, "wiseteufel via" <u4067@.uwe> wrote:
> Hi All -
> I have a SQL 2000 database of 60 some tables, with constraints, indexes, P
> FK, and other relationships on them. I would like to drop all data in all
> tables, knowing that a lot of the tables have full PK-FK-PK-FK ...
> relationships cascading, and indexes and such. I want to keep intact all
> that is not data. So basically truncate or delete all data and leave all
> table structures with all their constraints etc ..
> I wonder if such a script exists? that would be a great help.
> Thank You In Advance.
> Wise -
> --
> Message posted via droptable.com
You can script out the entire database ( with PK,FK, INDEX ,
Constraint options) and create a new database from the script .

Dropping all Data but keeping constraints and Structure Intact!

Hi All -
I have a SQL 2000 database of 60 some tables, with constraints, indexes, PK-
FK, and other relationships on them. I would like to drop all data in all
tables, knowing that a lot of the tables have full PK-FK-PK-FK ...
relationships cascading, and indexes and such. I want to keep intact all
that is not data. So basically truncate or delete all data and leave all
table structures with all their constraints etc ..
I wonder if such a script exists? that would be a great help.
Thank You In Advance.
Wise -
Message posted via
On Apr 11, 7:20 pm, "wiseteufel via" <u4067@.uwe> wrote:
> Hi All -
> I have a SQL 2000 database of 60 some tables, with constraints, indexes, PK-
> FK, and other relationships on them. I would like to drop all data in all
> tables, knowing that a lot of the tables have full PK-FK-PK-FK ...
> relationships cascading, and indexes and such. I want to keep intact all
> that is not data. So basically truncate or delete all data and leave all
> table structures with all their constraints etc ..
> I wonder if such a script exists? that would be a great help.
> Thank You In Advance.
> Wise -
> --
> Message posted via droptable.com
You can script out the entire database ( with PK,FK, INDEX ,
Constraint options) and create a new database from the script .

Monday, March 19, 2012

Drop Relationships

Hi there,

I would Like to delete a relationship by SQL Syntax!

When I go to M-Access I see the relationship with the name companiesVisitors
and this is how it is represented...

Companies(Company_ID) -- Visitors(VisitorCompany)


How can I drop the relationship using SQL?

Hope you can help me... I am searching a solution for daysyou might need to know the name of the constraint

see ACC2000: Create and Drop Tables and Relationships Using SQL DDL (

but if you're in the relationship window already, just click on the line joining the two boxes and delete it|||That didn't help to much... I need the SQL to remove a relationship...

I tried to delete the constraints, but that does not help me to much... because my Constraints have strange names such as "Rel_158FB2CC_919D_462B"... It's a totally random name given by Access|||then when you create the relationship, you should assign it a constraint name|||but I can't do anything now, because is a software update... it's to import data to new database formats... I can't guess wich names the constraint have... it should be done in the beggining!