Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Dropping an old foreign key restraint?

This forum looked like the only one where I may get an answer to this question.

I built a database with a set of tables in Sql Server 2005 sp2.

I later had to refactor the data which led to removing one table, renaming another table, and moving some data around.

Now when I attempt to write my test code and execute my initialization logic (which clears data out of the tables) I get a foreign key restraint error when trying to delete one of my records. However the FK restraint is an old one that refers to a table that no longer exists. I have looked at all of my tables in the current design and the constraint referenced in the exception does not show up on any of the tables.

How things changed: I had DesktopItems tie to a DataEntry table with a foreign key constraint. I now have DesktopItems point to WorkItem ( the orgininal table renamed ) and it is on the delete of items from DesktopItems that I get the old FK constraint. The really odd part about this is if I go into the table and manually delete the record, I do NOT get the constraint error!!!

In the database that I'm getting the error, I implemented the changes by deleting all tables and SPROCS and then executing scripts to rebuild the new design.

Is there a system SPROC that I can execute to show and delete this item?

Dear Michael,

Try this code:

IF EXISTS (SELECT * from sysconstraints WHERE constid = OBJECT_ID (N'[FK_DesktopItems_TO_DataEntry]'))
IF OBJECT_ID (N'[DesktopItems]') IS NOT NULL
EXEC ('ALTER TABLE [DesktopItems] DROP CONSTRAINT FK_DesktopItems_TO_DataEntry')


Suprotim Agarwal

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