Sunday, March 25, 2012

dropdownlist -default value!

hi ,

need your help please

I have got a dropdownlist which is getting it's items and values from the table with in SQL server , everything works fine.

I just want to be able to select default item , so when the page is loaded the dropdown list default will be that selected item.

as an exmple if the drop downlist items and values are as follow

item --> value
city --> 1
tokyo --> 2
london -->3

these info is imported from the database
and I want by default tokyo to be selected

many thanks


here is my code:

Dim sqlConnection As SqlConnection
Dim sqlDataAdapter As SqlDataAdapter
Dim sqlCommand As SqlCommand
Dim dataSet As DataSet
Dim dataTable As DataTable

sqlConnection = New SqlConnection("user id=sa;password=testfirm;database=ken_live;server=csfirm03")

'pass the stored proc name and SqlConnection
sqlCommand = New SqlCommand("Select * From _aci",sqlConnection)

'instantiate SqlAdapter and DataSet
sqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(sqlCommand)
dataSet = New DataSet()

'populate the DataSet
sqlDataAdapter.Fill(dataSet, "AA")

'apply sort to the DefaultView to sort by CompanyName
dataSet.Tables(0).DefaultView.Sort = "bsheet"
city.DataSource = dataSet.Tables("AA").DefaultView

city.DataTextField ="bsheet" ' what to display
city.DataValueField ="bsheet" ' what to set as value


Dim li as ListItem

FOR EACH li in city.Items
IF li.value = 2 THEN
li.selected = true

|||I would also advise using a DataReader object rather than a DataSet and DataAdapter. The DataReader is much faster and does not use nearly as much resources. Also be sure to clean up after you use the objects, for example:


sqlCommand = Nohting

sqlDataAdapter = Nothing

dataSet = Nothing

sqlConnection = Nothing

HTH|||------ Edited by Colt ------
<code/> tag was added
------ Edited by Colt ------

thanks for the reply

I've changed the code, ( no error messages ) but no effect almost

Dim sqlConnection As SqlConnection
Dim sqlDataAdapter As SqlDataAdapter
Dim sqlCommand As SqlCommand
Dim dataSet As DataSet
Dim dataTable As DataTable
Dim li as listitem

sqlConnection = New SqlConnection("user id=sa;password=testfirm;database=ken_live;server=csfirm03")

'pass the stored proc name and SqlConnection

sqlCommand = New SqlCommand("Select * From _aci",sqlConnection)

'instantiate SqlAdapter and DataSet

sqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(sqlCommand)
dataSet = New DataSet()

'populate the DataSet

sqlDataAdapter.Fill(dataSet, "AA")

'apply sort to the DefaultView to sort by CompanyName

dataSet.Tables(0).DefaultView.Sort = "bsheet"

city.DataSource = dataSet.Tables("AA").DefaultView

city.DataTextField ="bsheet" ' what to display

city.DataValueField ="bsheet" ' what to set as value

for each li in city.items
if li.value="CITY" then
end if


|||The DataBind() should preceed the For Loop that is selecting the default value.


for each li in city.items

if li.value="CITY" then


end if


|||thanks again for following the case
but still the porblem does exist ( no error messages but no effect as well )



'object vars
Dim sqlConnection As SqlConnection
Dim sqlDataAdapter As SqlDataAdapter
Dim sqlCommand As SqlCommand
Dim dataSet As DataSet
Dim dataTable As DataTable
Dim li as listitem

sqlConnection = New SqlConnection("user id=sa;password=testfirm;database=ken_live;server=csfirm03")

'pass the stored proc name and SqlConnection

sqlCommand = New SqlCommand("Select * From _aci",sqlConnection)

'instantiate SqlAdapter and DataSet

sqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(sqlCommand)
dataSet = New DataSet()

'populate the DataSet

sqlDataAdapter.Fill(dataSet, "AA")

'apply sort to the DefaultView to sort by CompanyName

'dataSet.Tables(0).DefaultView.Sort = "bsheet"

city.DataSource = dataSet.Tables("AA").DefaultView

city.DataTextField ="bsheet" ' what to display

city.DataValueField ="bsheet" ' what to set as value


for each li in city.items

if li.value="CITY" then


end if

next|||As you had presented earlier, the Value property of the DDL was populated with a numeric value and the Text property was propulated with the character description (i.e., CITY).

li.value = 2

or you can use

li.text = "CITY"

HTH|||hi again :(

it didn't work.

always it is coming up wit it's own default one ( which is the fist row of data in database)

please , please , any alternative way

again I'm no getting any error messages

many thanks|||Please post your current code.|||

public Sub page_load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)

If Not Page.IsPostback Then


'object vars
Dim sqlConnection As SqlConnection
Dim sqlDataAdapter As SqlDataAdapter
Dim sqlCommand As SqlCommand
Dim dataSet As DataSet
Dim dataTable As DataTable

sqlConnection = New SqlConnection("user id=sa;password=testfirm;database=ken_live;server=csfirm03")

'pass the stored proc name and SqlConnection

sqlCommand = New SqlCommand("Select * From _aci",sqlConnection)

'instantiate SqlAdapter and DataSet

sqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(sqlCommand)
dataSet = New DataSet()

'populate the DataSet

sqlDataAdapter.Fill(dataSet, "AA")

'apply sort to the DefaultView to sort by CompanyName

'dataSet.Tables(0).DefaultView.Sort = "bsheet"

city.DataSource = dataSet.Tables("AA").DefaultView

city.DataTextField ="bsheet" ' what to display

city.DataValueField ="bsheet" ' what to set as value


sqlCommand = New SqlCommand("select distinct datepart(yy,dateincur) as tempdate from ken_non_matter where nonmat in (935,1035,1040) order by datepart(yy,dateincur) desc",sqlConnection)

sqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(sqlCommand)
dataSet = New DataSet()

'populate the DataSet

sqlDataAdapter.Fill(dataSet, "tempdate")

'apply sort to the DefaultView to sort by CompanyName

' dataSet.Tables(0).DefaultView.Sort = "tempdate"

year.DataSource = dataSet.Tables("tempdate").DefaultView

year.DataTextField ="tempdate" ' what to display

year.DataValueField ="tempdate" ' what to set as value


End if

for each li in city.items

if li.value="CITY" then


end if


End Sub

|||As you had presented earlier, the Value property of the DDL was populated with a numeric value and the Text property was propulated with the character description (i.e., CITY).

li.value = 2

or you can use

li.text = "CITY"

You are using li.value="CITY" (this is wrong according to your previous posts)

USE li.value = 2

HTH|||You shouldn't need to loop through the liost collection, either.

After you databind (and you should always bind the list before you attempt to set a default value), simply do the following:

city.Items.FindByValue("YOUR VALUE OR FIELDNAME GOES HERE").selected = true;

You can also use FindByText, if you prefer (city.Items.FindByText("text").selected = true)

If the ddl might have already contained a selected item, be sure to use ClearSelection first, or you'll throw an error...|||this is going arround

I manage to find where I'm going wrong but don't know how to fix it

for each li in city.items

If (li.text = "CITY ") then
response.write(li.value) ' just Entered it as a test ! which doesn't print at all

End if


It runs the FOR loop fine but doesn't enter the IF statment.

just for test if I add

for each li in city.items


if (li.text = "CITY ") then
response.write(li.value) ' just Entered it as a test ! which doesn't print at all

End if


it will print


whitch there is a space after the string therefore , I add a space after the 'city ' in my code

for each li in city.items


if (li.text = "CITY ") then
response.write(li.value) ' just Entered it as a test ! which doesn't print at all

End if


but still it is not entering the IF section

any ideas|||You're writing too much code. Try the method I posted above...|||it is small code but I've explained it,
it doesn't run

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