I have a database that is not droping connections when a
user logs out. Is there anyway to drop multiple
connections to a database? Or is there a way to drop all
connections for a specific user?
Thanks in advance,
Thanks. This worked great. It did exactly what I wanted
it to do with just a little bit of tweaking.
Thanks Again,
>--Original Message--
>there is no built-in way to drop all connections for a
>database or a user, but you can write your own stored
>procedure to exactly do that.
>-- Example
>declare @.dbname sysname
>set @.dbname = 'pubs'
>declare c1 cursor for
>select cast('kill ' as nchar(6)) + cast(spid as nchar
> from master..sysprocesses
> where spid > 50
> and spid <> @.@.spid
> and program_Name not like 'SQLAgent%'
> and dbid = db_id(@.dbname)
>declare @.KillCommand nvarchar(60)
>open c1
>fetch c1 into @.KillCommand
>while @.@.fetch_status = 0
> print @.KillCommand
> exec sp_executesql @.KillCommand
> fetch c1 into @.KillCommand
>close c1
>deallocate c1
>>--Original Message--
>>I have a database that is not droping connections when
>>user logs out. Is there anyway to drop multiple
>>connections to a database? Or is there a way to drop
>>connections for a specific user?
>>Thanks in advance,
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